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 Chris Keeble – Fish out a Water Productions -

Creative Director, Lateral Thinker, Team Collaborator .


Writer, Producer, Director, Event Management 


Chris has worked in the Entertainment Industry for 30 plus years in the following areas; Clubs, Venues, Sporting associations, Theatres with Marketing, Promotions and brand positioning.


Entertainment and Marketing/Brand strategist – BA Theatre, Theory and Practice, BA - Marketing, Events Management. Journalism and social platform content producer.  Writer, Producer, venue management and promoter: Currently CMAA Membership and Sponsorship Manager  and Magazine and Social Dedia content writer for Indian Motorcycles Australia


My business Fish out a Water Productions fosters and grows creative business ideas. Having started in 2000

I have created a variety of projects from art exhibitions to NRL Rugby League Matches. With a passion for motorbikes (in particular the Indian Motorcycle Brand), adventure and travel writing.

Chris also likes to promote Original Singer Songwriters of Australia, often showcasing them in her Youtube vloggs and stage productions.


Currently  writer/producer/ director of The Rockumentary Series ( a Fish Out a Water Production Concept) 

Click here for more info

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“Chris epitomises the words "Creative" and "Smart" ! Having worked alongside Chris and also watched her work from a distance, we have found Chris to be simply .......EXTRAORDINARY. If you want someone who is comfortable having dinner with the local farmer, the accountant, the shop keeper, the politician or the multi millionaire (in fact all of them together) then Chris is it. If you want someone who sees a side of a situation that you simply could never see, then Chris is it. If you want someone who is unique, passionate and motivated beyond belief, then Chris is it. If you want someone who can juggle multiple things without having to wear a clown suit, then Chris is it. If you want someone to take on a project and deliver on it to not only meet your expectations but exceed them beyond your wildest dreams, then Chris is it. If you want someone that truly thinks differently and drives results, then Chris is it. If you want someone who touches peoples lives and is simply unforgettable, then Chris is it. Chris is a champion and excels at everything she puts her hand to.

Jenny White  Director White Now



“Chris is a dynamic thinker and has the sort of energy that makes you believe that anything is possible. And with Chris this is pretty true. She has the capacity to think outside the square and then follow through with practical outcomes. Chris cuts through any cotton wool and her direct approach is refreshing. Chris is just great to work with.”

Peter Cousens , Founder, CEO and Artistic Director , Kookaburra National Musical Theatre Company



Thanks very much for the 2 hours you spent with us on Monday.  I was amazed at what we achieved (and learned) in such a short time.  I thought that we were embarking on a process that would take months to just choose a name but in 2 hours we had 5 possible names and 5 possible positioning statements as well as a plan for implementation.  Wow, well done!  I thought you also managed the people in the room very well.  A couple of us a very dominant and I know it’s a challenge to give everyone an opportunity for input in these sessions.

Des Quinn  CEO Keppel Community Care



Dear Chris, I really enjoyed your talk

I came to the meeting really tired and your entertaining speech picked me up immensely. I have made a list of seven things that I must do on a personal and business level. I have a dream of being the most famous artist in Australia and it is certainly a very interesting hobby.

Cam Shroder lawyers


Chris was employed to come up with creative ideas for our venue. What Chris delivered was a highly professional vision in a exciting format of different media . I would highly recommend Chris to anyone looking for a vibrant, exciting and highly creative concepts for their business. Chris is honest, and very passionate about her work and the work she does for others and I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone looking for edgy, creative and unique concepts for their business” March 28, 2010

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable , Creative

Bill Alexiou - Hucker  CEO  GPSM


“Energy, Enthusiasm, Innovation - I'm not sure you need much more from a person assigned with the task of building and delivering content for an entertainment venue. Chris certainly had, and still has, these qualities - she makes things happen, curtains raise, sparks fly, cheers sound.”

Max Cowan , Marketing consultant


“Chris is a dynamic go-getter. Set her a target and she will overshoot the mark aiming higher than the original task. Left to her own devices and she is a self-motivated, highly focussed achiever. Overlook Chris and your competitor who doesn't would definitely have the edge.”

Narelle Brown , Managing Director , Jaybees Entertainment


 “A more creative and positive individual is not easy to find. Chris and I have worked on events, ideas and swapped creative thoughts over a number of years and I hold her in very high regard, not only as an event producer but as an honest and open person. If creativity, attention to detail and honesty is your brief you need to work with Chris Keeble. I will be.

Gary Daly , General Manager Sales , Luna Park Sydney



‘Thanks so much, Chris, for your fabulous presentation at our NSW Business Chamber meeting last week. It was great and I make that statement on the basis that I felt I had heard it all before’.

Thanks again, Chris, really appreciate your fresh approach to an overworked topic.



Copywright  2018 Chris Keeble

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