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Chris Keeble/ Calamity Jane / The Aussie & The Indian











Who am I?

I’m known as The Aussie & The Indian.. and behind that is a whole bunch of stuff. I’m a writer producer. I have a background in theatre and have produced everything from Rugby League matches to Shakespeare. My production company produces what I call The Rockumentary Series. I research and write about rock icons and that develops into a live show with storylines, live band, imagery, footage. So a total experience!  I’m also very much into brand strategy and marketing and consult to a number of organisations.  My next artistic project is to write a play, while I ride around Australia!


Why I ride?

Since a small child I’ve always liked being on my own. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very social and have a wide circle of friends in many areas, but the most satisfying moments in life for me are when I’m out in the country on my motorbike. It’s almost a Zen moment and the only time I feel completely at peace. I usually finish the day with a stack of ideas and projects to start. It allows me to create and satisfy this deep need in me to continually move forward with exciting new things to do and explore.

What I ride:

I’m on a highly… and I mean highly… customise 2017 Indian Vintage Chief named Calamity Jane. From the moment I decided to move to an Indian motoercycle I had a clear vision of what I wanted to create. I’ve deigned every aspect and its very bespoke. I know she is over the top, and certainly not for everyone, but it’s for me and as a creative type, any bike I have will never remain stock for long.

Where do I ride, my life!

I’ve been riding for 30 plus years, I’ve always had a bit of a love affair with Indian Motorcycles. So when they came back, I looked and pondered for a while and would visit the showroom all the time. The guys at the Sydney dealership helped a lot and I explained my vision. I’m not sure they never expected it to become what it has.

I soon created the persona and started developing the whole story/brand of what I and Calamity would become. The Aussie & The Indian. And I know she is over the top and not to everyone’s taste, I get that the purist think it’s ridiculous, but it’s the way I am and like I say, ‘Im having fun doing and being who I am before I’m six feet under’.

It’s my turn now!

I’m a 60 plus year old grandmother, who works full time and also runs my company touring my shows. So life is busy. Every spare minute I get I’m on the bike riding. I plan all week what adventure I will be on and work out how I will present that on my social platforms. I’m mindful of what to present and want to do both the brand of Indian a positive as well as myself. My adventures will incorporate people as much as bikes and of course destinations. I search out for the quirky, unusual and those trivia bits and pieces that I believe people like. Plus, I want to offer something a bit different to the many moto-vloggers out there. And there are plenty and all very good. I watch and learn from them all the time. I belong to a group moto-vlogging  group called ‘Indian Motorcycle World’, whose members come from all corners of the globe and we support each other, I’m proud to represent Australia and also the only female member at this stage.

I look at the next 4 years of my life as me practising and honing my skills in producing content for my future life as I see it. When I head off to be of ‘no fixed address’, I will have grown a following and perhaps ways to monetarise what I do.

I ride all over Australia and also do regular rides to various parts of the world. In 2018 I rode in the USA for the 6th time. In 2019 I rode in New Zealand, Japan and Italy. Free weekends I’m usually off in any direction for approximately 6 hours ( I judge distance by time more so than kilometres), wherever that takes me, Find a place to stay, usually a pub with some great characters to meet and next day head home.

Just like the entertainment world, I’m creating a show reel for my life as a traveling motorbike adventurer.

My favourite areas to be is in little country towns. Cows to my left, horses to my right! Pulling into a small country pub, meeting the locals and bunking down for the night. I’m not a fan of big crowds nor am I a fan of riding with big groups of people. Six maximum is about all I like. The amount of people who can sit at one table for a good ‘chin wag’ is the rule of thumb for me.

My future plans will also be shipping ‘Calamity’ over to the United States and riding there for 3 months before I return home to circumnavigate Australia as I reach retirement and also write that play!

I’ve developed a big family of followers around the world and their support, encouragement and advice has been amazing. My Indian motorcycle claim to fame, is that I was the first women in the world to review the FTR. I’m sure the company didn’t expect a 60 year old granny to do that! That sums me up, I like to create a reaction, get a response (good and bad) and I have a saying that I stole from Eleonor Roosevelt “Well behaved women rarely make history”

Be safe, be brave and be a little crazy. Xx

Chris Keeble and Calamity Jane

The Aussie & The Indian

The Barbering BIker

That’s me 🇦🇺🏍🤠🐴❤️❤️ #theaussieandth
🇦🇺🏍🐴🤠😝😝😝 #theaussieandtheindian

Copywright  2018 Chris Keeble

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